***Child Support Employer Services Portal***
The Child Support, Employer Services Portal (ESP) allows Employers the ability to view and provide information to DWSS; such as, view and respond to Income Withholding Orders, employment verification requests, update employee/company information and much more.
***Notice to Employers/Income Payers - Lump Sum Reporting***
Effective October 1, 2021, employers/income payers who have been ordered to withhold child support payments are required to notify the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, at least 10 days prior to issuance of a lump sum payment of $150.00 or more to an employee/obligor if arrears are owed. For more information on this new requirement, please see: Lump Sum Reporting FAQ
Federal Child Support Portal: The federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) provides a secure online lump sum reporting application on the Child Support Portal. OCSE compares the employees who are receiving lump sum payments to individuals who owe child support and sends matches to the child support agencies. For more information on the portal or to sign up for lump sum reporting, please visit: Report Lump Sum Payments Online.
Attention Insurance Companies
Nevada Senate Bill 33 becomes effective on January 1, 2020.
Reporting Requirements
Effective January 1, 2020, each insurer must report claimant information to the Nevada Child Support Enforcement Program within 5 days after opening a tort liability claim for bodily injury or wrongful death, a worker’s compensation claim or a claim for life insurance benefits.
Reporting Options
Insurers must contact either the
Child Support Lien Network (CSLN) or the federal O
ffice of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to make data reporting arrangements. Both entities offer secure no-cost data reporting options and are approved as the “insurance claim data collection organization” cited in Senate Bill 33. Casualty insurers that report claimant information to the Insurance Services Office (ISO) can simply authorize ISO to relay claimant information to CSLN and/or OCSE.
Contact Information
Insurers with questions regarding the new reporting requirement may contact cse@dwss.nv.gov.
Fax or Email: The 4004-EC Notice of Lump Sum Payment
may be downloaded and faxed or emailed using the contact information provided on the Income Withholding Order (IWO) on file for the employee. If sufficient contact information is not available on the IWO, the form may be emailed to CSEP_PolicyUnit@dwss.nv.gov or faxed to (775) 684-0702 ATTN: LUMP SUM REPORTING.
Income Withholding Requirements:
NRS 31A.090 requires all employers with 50 or more staff to submit child support payments to the State Collections and Disbursement Unit (SCaDU) by electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Instructions
New Hire Reporting:
Income Withholding Order/Notice:
Submitting Payments:
Submitting $2 Income Withholding Fee:
National Medical Support Notice (NMSN):
Termination Notices:
Frequently Asked Questions: