Child Care Licensing Training & Education

Before Opening a New Child Care Facility in Nevada - LAP training

Before applying for a new child care facility license in Nevada, interested persons must complete the Licensing Application Process (or LAP) training. This course is available online via a video and short test. Upon passing the test, applicants will be able to download a certificate and then begin the license application process.

To access the LAPS training linked below, you will need to create a log-in for the NEATS system. If you do not have a log-in, view this PDF for instructions. You can register with the system with your NEATS ID and password.

Initial trainings are required to be completed within 90 days of hire. Annual trainings are required to be completed within the facility’s licensing year.

    Nevada Registry

    The Nevada Registry operates a professional development system, approves and tracks all informal training, and acts as a clearinghouse of information regarding early care and education.

      Required Training

      Child Care Licensing requires training to be completed in a variety of areas, such as health and safety, child nutrition and obesity, First Aid and CPR, Child Development, etc. For a complete list of required training please see the Child Care Facility Employee Training Checklist form.


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