Medical Programs - General Information

    General Information Family Medical Coverage MAABD
    Medicare Beneficiaries Who should you call? Application Forms 


      This program provides medical services and individuals may qualify by being eligible for a means-tested public assistance program (i.e., Supplemental Security Income [SSI]). Individuals may be eligible for medical coverage for up to three months of medical coverage prior to the month of application if they apply for or would be eligible in one of the listed categories.

      The eligible categories for individuals include:

      • Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients;
      • Employed individuals, age 16 through 64 with disabilities with combined net earned and unearned income up to 250% of the federal poverty level (Health Insurance for Work Advancement);
      • Nursing facility residents with gross monthly income up to 300% of the SSI payment level (State Institutional Cases);
      • Certain individuals who have lost SSI eligibility, but would still be eligible if some of their income were disregarded (Public Law Cases);
      • Disabled children who require medical facility care, but can appropriately be cared for at home;
      • Aged or physically disabled individuals who require medical facility care, but can appropriately be cared for at home and aged individuals who have been residing in nursing facilities who can appropriately be cared for in adult group care facilities (Home and Community-Based Waivers); and
      • Ineligible non-citizens who do not meet citizenship eligibility criteria and have emergency medical services may qualify for some limited Medicaid coverage.