- Medicaid coverage to low-income adults and children with income up to 138% of the Federal Poverty Level.
- Medical coverage (Nevada Check Up) to children, under the age of 19, with income up to 205% of the Federal Poverty Level.
- Emergency
medical assistance on a month-by-month basis for illegal non-citizens
or other non-citizens not covered in other eligible categories. These
applicants must meet all other eligibility requirements except for
- A pregnant woman eligible for Medicaid in any month of her pregnancy remains eligible for postpartum coverage.
- Newborn
children remain eligible for Medicaid for one year, if their mother was
eligible for Medicaid at the time of their birth. The newborn child
must continue to reside with the mother in Nevada.
- Medicaid coverage is available up to
three (3) months prior to the application month if an eligible household
member received medical services during this time. Eligibility is
determined on a month-by-month basis.
- Medicaid
may continue for up to twelve months for parents or other caretaker
relatives who were eligible and enrolled in Family Medical Coverage in
at least 3 out of 6 months immediately preceding the month eligibility
is lost due to the increased income from employment.
- Medicaid coverage for individuals, under
age 26, who were in foster care in Nevada at the age of 18 and enrolled
in Medicaid while in foster care.
- Medical assistance to women who are under
age 65, are uninsured or underinsured, not eligible under any other
Medicaid eligibility group, have been screened for breast and cervical
cancer by the CDC, and are found to need treatment for either breast or
cervical cancer.
- Certain child welfare cases involving children for whom a public agency is assuming full or partial financial responsibility.