Process of Hearing Request
request and
forwards it
to AAU
with DWSS
or Fair
Prior to your hearing
• You will be contacted by an agency representative for a pre-hearing conference. However, customers are free to reapply for benefits or report changes in their circumstances to the agency at any time during the hearing process.
• The Hearing Officer does not have contact with either parties prior to the hearing. If you have any questions, please reach out to the agency representative or the AAU.
• Please make sure you have received the Basis of Action Summary/Packet in the mail which the Agency uses to defend their position. If you have not received your packet prior to your hearing date, please contact AAU.
• Some hearing appointments will require the use of translation or interpretive services. For the hearings process, an impartial third-party agency is used.
• Currently, hearings are conducted with all participants by phone. You will be mailed a letter with your hearing date and time as well as a conference number to call with a code to enter the hearing.
• Requests to reschedule must be made in writing within 10 days of the date of the missed hearing and you must provide proof of a valid reason to request one.
AAU Contact information
375 E Warm Springs Rd, STE 103
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: 702-486-1910
Fax: 702-486-1950
Types of Hearings
cases for the following programs: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) , Medicaid, Nevada Check
Up, Medical Assistance to the Aged, Blind and Disabled (MAABD), Child Care and Energy Assistance Program (EAP).
Client appeals from the DWSS Investigations and Recovery Unit (I&R) to recover overpaid SNAP, TANF and Medical benefits.
Agency requests, from I&R, to enforce sanctions for Intentional Program Violations (IPV) known as Administrative Disqualification Hearings (ADH).
Nevada Health Exchange appeals.
Testimony and Evidence
The Agency presents their side of the hearing issue first by
reading the Basis of Action Summary into the record and explains their
accompanying exhibits. The Hearings
Officer asks questions regarding the testimony and/or exhibits submitted by the
Agency. The Claimant is then given their
opportunity to present their position, ask their own questions regarding the
Agency’s presentation as well as rebut the Agency’s testimony. The Hearings Officer may also ask additional
questions during the Claimant’s testimony.
All attempts should be made to keep the parties' arguments centered on
the actions of the Notice of Decision that resulted in the hearing
The hearing officer may also request additional information after the hearing if they determine it is needed. This additional evidence is collected and identified by the Hearings Officer and shared with the opposing party.
Closing the Hearing
After both parties involved in the hearing have completed their presentations, have asked their questions, and concluded their arguments, the hearing is closed. The decision will be based on the applicable program policy/regulations as well as the testimony and evidence presented at the hearing. A decision is usually made within 90 days of the hearing request, except for SNAP, which will be completed within 60 days.
Right to Appeal Hearing Decision
Decisions may be appealed, within 90 days from the date of the decision, to the district court of the State of Nevada.
Agency Contacts
Centralized Hearings Representative Team: (702) 631-2352 or email:
Investigations and Recovery Unit: (702) 486-1875
Energy Assistance Program: (702) 486-9584