What if I don't have a family?
If you're an adult between the ages of 18 through 49 and you don't have
children you must work 20 hours per
week or meet other work requirements. If you don't do
those things, you're limited to three months of SNAP
benefits in a three-year period. Exceptions are made for
people who are not required to participate in the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Employment and Training program and for people who live in counties
with a high unemployment or in a labor surplus area.
Check with your
local Welfare Office about these exemptions.
What are the income guidelines?
Most SNAP applicants must not have more than the gross and net income limits. Gross income is your income before
taxes and other deductions; net income is what's left over after allowable deductions. Households with at least
one member who's disabled or age 60 or older only have to meet the net income limit.
Persons who are categorically eligible for SNAP due
to receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
General Assistance and/or Supplemental Security
Income (SSI) are not required to have their income compared to the
gross and net income poverty levels.
The table below shows the monthly gross and net income limits and maximum allotment.