SNAP - Persons on Strike - Bills - Resources

Persons on Strike:

Households with a member who is on strike because of a labor dispute are not eligible unless they were eligible the day before the strike and continue to be eligible at the time of application. Eligible households cannot get more SNAP benefits just because the striking member is getting less income.


Proof: Bills or records of payment for the following:

  • Dependent-care costs, such as a babysitter, day-care center, or attendant for a disabled adult;
  • Child-support payments, such as a court order and canceled checks;
  • Rent or Mortgage;
  • Insurance on the structure (but not the contents) of a home;
  • Telephone, electricity, gas, oil, water sewerage, garbage collection, and installation costs for utilities; and
  • Medical expenses and proof of any reimbursement, such as an insurance policy or statement form an insurance company or agency paying these bills



SNAP rules require resources such as bank accounts, cash, real estate, vehicles, and so forth, be considered in determining whether a household is eligible for SNAP benefits. Some resources are counted toward the allowable limit and some are not. Your case manager will explain which are counted. All households may have up to $2,000 worth of countable resources and still be eligible. Households have an allowable limit up to $3,200 if at least one member is age 60 or older or disabled.

The resources of people who get TANF, SSI, and in some locations, general assistance are not counted toward the limit.

Some resources that will not be counted are:

  • Your home and surrounding lot;
  • Household goods and personal belongings; and
  • Life insurance policies.

Examples of resources that will be counted are:

  • Cash and money in checking and savings accounts;
  • Stocks and bonds; and
  • Land and buildings, other than your home and lot that do not produce income.

(Proof: Bank books, bank statements, and other documents.)