Child Care Facility Types Defined

Family Cares

Family cares are facilities within an individual’s residential home. They are allowed to care for up to six children within their home with a license and a curriculum.

    Group Cares

    Group cares are facilities within an individual’s residential home. They are allowed to care for up to 12 children within their home and require one additional caregiver and a curriculum.


      Accommodations are facilities that have a primary business open to public that provides child care to customers, where customers are required to remain on the premises of said business, for up to three hours.


        Centers are facilities that stand alone and provide all-day curriculum child care.


          Institutions are facilities that care and house at-risk youth. They provide education, daily sustenance, shelter, and medical/dental care to the children under their supervision.


            On-sites are facilities that provide care to children of employed individuals of the business only.