DWSS Executive Staff
Robert H. Thompson
Executive Management Analyst: Trenton Sheesley, tsheesley@dwss.nv.gov
As Administrator of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, Robert guides the agency to successfully complete its mission to engage clients, staff, and the community to provide assistance benefits to all who qualify and reasonable support for children with absentee parents to help Nevadans achieve safe, stable, and healthy lives
Lisa Swearingen
Deputy Administrator
Lisa is responsible for agency operations in the areas of Fiscal Services, Information Technology, Program Review and Evaluation, Project Management, Hearings and Adjudications, and Child Services: Child Care & Development, Child Care Licensing, Child Support Policy and Child Support Collections and Disbursement.
Kelly Cantrelle
Deputy Administrator
Kelly is responsible for the policy, eligibility, and program administration for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP - Formerly known as the food stamp program), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Medicaid, Energy Assistance Program, Quality Assurance, Homeless 2 Housing, Employment and Training Programs and the SNAP Nutrition-Ed and Outreach programs.
Marni Whalen
Deputy Administrator
Marni is responsible for the oversight, implementation, and operations of the agency in the areas of Human Resources, Interviewing and Hiring, Onboarding, The Professional Development Center, Investigations & Recovery, Workforce Services & Development, Learning and Development, and Recovery Friendly Workplace.
Crystal Buscay
Chief Financial Officer
Crystal is responsible for the Division's fiscal management including budgets, accounting, cost allocation, auditing, grants management including federal reporting, caseload projections, procurement, contract/sub-grant monitoring and facilities management.
Bart London
Chief Information Technology Manager
Bart provides oversight of the Division's information technology systems, applications, development, testing, operation and support.
Brooke Yarborough
Agency Manager
Brooke is responsible for the policy and program administration
for the Child Care and Development Program including the Child Care and
Development Fund, provider supports, family support, cross-system
collaboration, Child Care Licensing, and system improvement strategies.
Trenton Sheesley
Executive Management Analyst
As Executive Management Analyst of the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, Trenton supports executive staff in all areas to successfully complete the mission to engage clients, staff, and the community to provide assistance benefits to all who qualify and reasonable support for children with absentee parents to help Nevadans achieve safe, stable, and healthy lives.
Kristle Muessle
Public Information Officer
The Public Information Officer for the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services provides communications support and coordinates media contact, facilitates a variety of communications-related initiatives, and serves as a legislative liaison.